Perks of Eye Care, PLLC
Located inside of Costco on Baseline & Country Club/Arizona Avenue
We DO NOT accept any vision or medical insurance
No Costco membership necessary for eye examinations
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Exam Options
Glasses Exam
A glasses exam will provide you with an updated prescription for glasses only, this service is eligible to be upgraded to include dilation and/or retinal imaging.

Contact Lens Exam
A contact lens exam will provide you with an updated prescription for glasses and contacts, a pair of contacts and cases & solution for your contacts. This service is eligible to be upgraded to include dilation and/or retinal imaging.
Medical Office Visit
Evaluation for a red eye, painful eye, trauma, and/or sudden vision changes, etc. This service includes retinal imaging. This service will NOT include a prescription for glasses or contacts. If a procedure is needed such as foreign body removal, punctal dilation and irrigation, etc. The total charge will be $150.00

Health Options
Evaluating the health of the back of the eye is a very important part of a comprehensive eye exam that our doctors recommend ALL patients have done yearly. Without retinal imaging or pupil dilation, the doctor's ability is limited to diagnose/treat eye conditions that involve the back of the eye and could lead to potential irreversible vision loss.

Retinal Imaging (OPTOS)
Retinal imaging is a screening tool which is a photo that involves a flash of light. It can detect eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal holes and tears. It can also detect other health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as a cancer screening. These photos will become part of your health record and gone over in detail with you by your doctor.

Pupil dilation is when we utilize drops to dilate (open) the pupil so the doctor is able to view the back of the eye to detect eye diseases like macular degeneration and glaucoma. The doctor will also be able to detect other health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Some side effects from the drops are blurred vision and light sensitivity that can last up to 6 hours.

Additional Services
Diabetic Exam
Includes an updated glasses prescription, eye health evaluation with Retinal Imaging (OPTOS) and/or dilation as well as a report to comanaging physicians. It is required if diabetic.
Pediatric Exam
Includes an updated glasses prescription, additional testing during the exam as well as the Retinal Imaging (OPTOS). It is required for patients 12 years of age and younger.
Rigid Gas Permeable Exam
A rigid gas permeable contact lens (hard contacts) Exam includes an updated prescription for glasses and contact lenses. The range in price will be dependent on the prescription needed in the contacts. We do not fit multi-focal RGP's contact lenses.
Myopia Control
MiSight 1 day contact lenses. This is the nation’s first FDA-approved contact lens proven to slow the progression of myopia or nearsightedness in children between the ages of 8 and 12 at the initiation of treatment. Kids are spending more time on digital devices and rates of myopia are increasing in children. This treatment program is to help improve children’s long term eye health.
Includes an updated glasses prescription, contact lens prescription, comprehensive eye health evaluation with Optos (Retinal imaging) contact lens training on insertion, removal and care, and follow ups for 6 months.
Contacts Lens Training
Contact lens insertion and removal training is required if you have never been prescribed contact lenses previously. A trained technician will sit with you and teach you how to put in, take out, and care for the lenses. The training fee will cover up to 3 separate training sessions.
Thumb Drives
If you would like a copy of your exam, prescription and Retinal Imaging (OPTOS) results we will put them on a new USB thumb drive for your records! (provided by Perks of Eye Care)
Outside Forms
Any forms brought in and required to be filled out by our providers will result in a charge. This includes but is not limited to the following: ADOT, School vision screenings, specialty pharmacy requests, etc.

Contact Us
Request an appointment:
Call: 480-293-0093
Text: 480-493-5214
Fax: 480-907-1367
Monday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Tuesday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Wednesday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Friday 9:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed
1415 N Arizona Ave Gilbert, AZ 85233
Email: perksofeyecare@gmail.com
Instagram: @perksofeyecareaz